Link Road, Sawston, CB22 3GB | 01223 832 470 |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8.30am to 1pm
Thursday: closed
Clerk: Jo Keeler
Assistant Clerk: Clare Speed
Councillors: David Bard, Kieran Cooper, Kevin Cuffley (Chair), Tony Fell, Colin Groves, Beck Laxton, Mike Mallows, Jayne Merrick (Vice Chair), Brian Milnes, Tony Orgee, Anand Pillai, Ian Reeves, Neil Reid, Paul Smith, Sue Whitney.
The parish council is responsible for the:
- allotments in London Road
- annual bonfire and firework display on Huckeridge Hill
- benches, bins (for litter and for dog poo) and bus shelters around the village; hanging baskets in the high street, and lights at Christmas
- cemetery and chapel in Cambridge Road, and the grass-cutting in St Mary’s churchyard
- clock in the tower of St Mary’s Church
- open spaces around the village, such as in Broadmeadow, Church Lane (Hall Crescent), Teversham Way, and between Princess Drive and Woodland Road
- parks, play equipment, sports pitches and pavilions – in Deal Grove, Lynton Way, Millennium Copse, Mill Lane, Orchard Park, and at Spicers sports field
- Sawston Timebank.
The parish council is partly responsible for:
- street lighting
- footpaths in some parts of the village
- some grass verges, on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council.
The council employs a clerk, an assistant clerk, a groundskeeper, an assistant groundskeeper, a village litter-picker, and a Timebank co-ordinator.